The application for NFT merchandise items is not open yet.


Welcome to the Bambit NFT Merchandise Store, where creativity meets profit! Here’s the deal: for a small fee, you can showcase your unique NFT designs on our store, turning your digital artistry into real-world merchandise. But here’s where it gets even better: for every product sold featuring your design, you pocket a portion of the profits. It’s a win-win situation where your creativity earns you cold, hard cash while delighting fans with one-of-a-kind merchandise. Get ready to turn your imagination into income at the Bambit NFT Merchandise Store!


We charging 0.15 SOL fee per NFT merch item

*The fee must be paid from the same wallet where the NFT is located.


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Provide your telegram @ or link, in case we need to ask you additional questions
Please provide your NFT number. For example #24
Selected Value: 30%
For example if product cost 10$ and you choose 200% markup. Buyer will pay 30$
Payment sent?
Link to the transaction. (payment has to be made from same wallet there NFT is located)